I introduced this little pot of loveliness to my daily beauty regime around a month ago. I was sent it while using something else and held off sharing my thoughts until I’d used it exclusively and could give you a properly informed opinion, which is….
You need this in your life. I’m completely aware that there are cheaper alternatives around and choosing Dior to strengthen your nails and cuticles may seem rather lavish, but personally I think it’s worth it… so I’ll try and convince you anyway!
I actually gasped when I opened the box and found this beautiful little vintage style pot inside. Isn’t it pretty? And don’t you just love it when a new product is properly sealed, so that you know it’s hygienic and your fingers will be the first to touch it…
When I peeled the foil back, I was a teensy bit surprised. It’s... well, apricot colour - and very gooeey! (how the heck do you spell gooey?!) Turns out it’s good-gooey, a bit like rich butter. I expected a firmer texture, but in actual fact it’s lovely to use as you don’t need to dig at it to poke some out and it’s firm enough not to leak or spill.
This teensy amount is all I need for one full hand - ie 5 nails. Now I took these pics when I first began using it, so as you can see my cuticles are quite dry looking. My nails ended up looking a bit battered and neglected over the Christmas period, but since using this each night, I’ve noticed a distinct improvement in the condition of my cuticles and the rate at which my nails grow. I’m not sure if the nails are massively stronger, perhaps a little bit (that may take longer than a month to show results) but they are definitely less dry and no longer have flaky bits.
As soon as I get into bed, I just dab a little dot at the base of each nail and massage it in… it leaves a greasy layer and feels sticky for a while, but the tackiness disappears when it sinks in. I do this before reading so that none gets wiped off on the covers - and the pages of my book have remain intact too. It has a gentle apricot fragrance and just feels so… well, luxurious to use. The little pot is so dinky and pretty and I can see it lasting at least one year. [edit - still going 18 months on!]
Here’s another quick look at the pot next to Dior Exquis polish worn in the pic above, which I reviewed a while ago, here.
Dior Crème Abricot costs £19 at Boots, Feel Unique or Sephora.
Are you convinced?