I’m excited about the imminent launch of ELF’s Makeup Remover Pen… I don’t know if it’s my eye shape, application technique, mascara or just pure bad luck, but every time I apply mascara I get some on my lid, usually just above the lash line. If I go realllly slowly and am super careful I can sometimes avoid it, but I’m usually applying my makeup while racing out the door!
This little pen has a felt tip style nib that can be swept over minor eye makeup mistakes to correct them. I imagine it would get pretty mucky if used on large areas and would only use it for little nicks. I have something similar by Ruby & Millie for nail polish and it’s a godsend!
Here it is in action…
This clever little ‘pen’ erases mistakes and will be so much quicker and easier than running to find a cotton bud and makeup remover, or attempting to smudge out mistakes with a fingertip! The non oily finish means you can reapply makeup immediately after. I think it will be brilliant for tidying liquid eyeliner mistakes, as shown in the video above. I’m not sure of the price, but expect it to be around £3-4.
Part of the ELF Studio range, the makeup remover pen is infused with Vitamin E, Cucumber and Chamomile to moisturize and condition skin - I’m looking forward to this launching in the UK soon and will definitely be snapping one up!
For anyone not familiar with the brand, ELF stands for ‘Eyes Lips Face’; its reasonably priced cosmetics and makeup brushes have a huge global following. I haven’t tried much of the makeup but have been really impressed with the Studio range of brushes, which I’ll blog about another day. You can check them out at www.elfcosmetics.com
Is this something you would use, or do you already own something similar? I believe this is already available in the US so would love to hear from anyone who has tried it!